These are tears at the attachment points of the cuff muscles, which lift the shoulder up from inside the shoulder joint and rotate it internally and externally, and the biceps muscle (biceps tendon), which joins the shoulder from the outside, to the shoulder joint. Sudden contractions after a fall may develop due to direct trauma and chronic trauma.
There is pain and limitation of movements. Typically, night pain occurs. Lying on a torn shoulder is painful and may wake the patient. In addition to pain, patients may have difficulty lifting their arm up and rotating. While there is a loss of strength in complete tears, the loss of strength in incomplete tears can be compensated with auxiliary muscles.
The examination begins with a comparative look at the external appearance of the shoulder. It is evaluated whether there is any swelling, symmetry disorder, bony deformity and muscle weakness. Apart from restricted shoulder movements and pain, there is a decrease in muscle strength. With the help of special tests, it is determined which muscle is affected.
After the examination, an x-ray is requested to strengthen the diagnosis. In line with the x-ray results, the bone structure and the shape of the shoulder roof are evaluated. The method that best shows tendon tears and muscle damage is magnetic resonance. MRI reveals in detail which muscle or tendon is torn, the size of the tear, intra- and extra-muscular edema, and edema in the bone structures.
The first treatment should always be aimed at relieving the inflammation and pain. The rest period should be supported with cold application and painkillers. The torn muscle or tendon will not heal spontaneously due to constant traction to the opposite side. If the muscles are completely torn, the shoulder head will not stay in place and may cause calcification in the early period. If the complaint persists and causes difficulty in daily activities, surgery is required. Muscle tears are repaired with arthroscopic surgery, and the patient's shoulder joint range and muscle strength are restored with physical therapy.